Provider Portal Claims Search

  • Project

    With low MSAT scores and various provider users commenting through various channels about not being able to quickly and easily complete management and administrative tasks on behalf of provider groups, this project targeted a common complaint around accessing and understanding claims.

    This project was the first study conducted on Providers by our Digital Customer Experience team, requiring the a parallel recruitment pool development effort, and was carried out by myself in collaboration with product partners.

  • Objective

    In this study, we aimed to 1) investigate how provider users would want to search for claims and 2) understand how provider users would like claims search results to be displayed.

    Our overall goal was to improve the provider portal experience - achieve reduced admin costs, improve digital self-service, and increase provider users’ satisfaction.

  • Role

    • Lead researcher supporting Provider product team

    • Gathered questions, designed survey, completed quantitative analysis, and developed report to be shared with partners

  • Process/Methodology

    Survey & Preference Testing: We conducted a survey to answer our main research questions. This was the method chosen due to timeline, lack of spoof accounts for Provider Connection, and HIPAA constraints.

    The survey contained sections to address:

    • Claims search criteria

    • A new landing page, including a 24-hour Activity Dashboard and Pinned Claims Feature

    • Points of confusion and unmet user needs concerning a new claims search result mockup

    • Claims search result filters

    • Preference between two design alternatives for claims search results

    • Preference between two design alternatives for claims details pages

    Multiple choice, rating, and ranking type questions were required. Additional written feedback was optional.

    Users were recruited to participate via email. The list of emails was collected from active provider portal users.

  • End Result

    Results were based on complete responses from 195 participants.

    The overall landing page and its specific features received positive feedback overall. The main takeaway, however, was the lack of meaningful status updates around appeals and denials. We have since been able to add claim history sequence for adjusted claims.

  • Reflection

    Upon completing this study and the comments received, it would have helped to do further exploration around the information hierarchy of the landing page. Most providers appreciated the features but not placement.

    With additional time, I would also have conducted moderated sessions to have participants walk through a few tasks (TOL) where I could get a better sense of how they actually search and scan for information. However, this survey was the first step in understanding provider needs and led to follow-up studies specific to different LOBs.